Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All Hail Britannia!

England Stands Alone 1940-1941

It was a cold January day in 2010 when I learned that Great Britain fought Hitler alone. I thought "Man, what a people...what a nation". Before this, I had always thought that Allied and Axis forces were like football teams, all joining in at the same time. But to find that Britain stood alone after the fall of Paris (in the midst of V2 bombing) was more than I could fathom. I'm sure Winston Churchill also had a lot to do with it, helping the people fight the good fight with his speeches and plans to rearm.
Is it possible to give the British a purple heart? I'm not Obama, but I hail thee British! I heard your food over there is pretty bland, but being the last hope of the free world more than makes up for it. I salute every last one who fought at the battle of Britain. Churchill said it all : Never was so much owed by so many to so few.
Okay, so I'm an anglophile, but I have really good reason to be.
Oh, i also better mention that I'm sure the commonwealth forces deserve to be recognised too. All hail the commonwealth forces! (and the merchant marines too, agent Garbo, the codebreakers at Bletchley Park, and the list goes on and on!)